Where To Buy Kings Kimchi

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Our recipes merge the 300-year-old Korean tradition of kimchi with flavorful ingredients from all over the world. King's Asian Gourmet Kimchi is the new sals... or ketchup... or the perfect go-to spice when you want to wow friends and families with a delicious, nutritious meal.

Some of our favorite kimchi recipes are as simple as kimchi hamburgers (move over plain onions!) to tuna salad with a dash of kimchi. Check out our great modern recipes that have the secret kimchi recipe as an ingredient.
Click here for modern recipes>>

Or go for the full, authentic tradition with bibim bap (Korean fried rice), bibim noodles or kimchi soup. Check out the traditional recipes.
Click here for traditional recipes>>

You can also submit your own delicious kimchi creation for us to showcase.
Click here to submit your recipe>>